18 dic 2010

Puffle rescue all coin bag stamp cheat

Play blue puffle rescue.  Break all of the cracked squares, then in level 7 start from the right, then go all the way to the left, now you have your first coin bag.
For the second coin bag continue on level 8.  There´s a key hanging on a balloon, push it forward by moving, keep pushing it, then you might see a locked door.  When you reach the door, go to the square in front of the door, then the door will open and with it, the second coin bag.
For the third coin bag, continue to level 9.  This level begins on the right, don´t touch the balloons with the light bulbs hanging from them. Get to the left side.  Start touching the balloons while moving right, making them glow.  Keep in mind that once you´ve touched the balloon on the left, go really fast because you need to get all the balloons glowing at the same time.  When you´ve gotten them all to glow, it will give you the third coin bag on the right side.

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